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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Do you know the way to managwe

Who remembers the old song do you know the way to Santa Fe.  This is our theme song, because we have been teasing our beloved leader julia about her pronounciation of Managua, Managwe.

We made it and as I predicted, getting out of the Winnpeg airport was the hardest part of the day.  Some confusion over reservations, but from there it was smooth sailing.  A long but great day of group forming, storming and norming. We have a buddy system , we are all installed and living happily with our gracious and warm NICARAGUAN FAMILIES.
 Every moment we are learning more about this culture and ourselves.  How do we look after ourselves and our group members in a society where we need to stick together all the time, no wandering off for safety reasons.  We need to be mindful of the uneven sidewalks, being sensitive to cultural differences and not offending our hosts, drinking enough water and getting enough rest to be helpful in our service project this week.

<<<<<<<<<No photos yet, it has been suggested that we need to form relationships with people here before snapping pictures like it is a right, not the privilege that it is.  We had the orientation session today, and it has been great to see our youth incoroporating their learning with their host families and people we meet on the street.  Changes are already happening, it is very exciting to watch.

We learned today that we will be building a security wall and a  house.  more to follow.
pray for us as we continue on this wonderful journey.

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